Reignited Passion

I've just met two of my close dance friends from Hall and we had such a good time laughing, talking and just catching up. Unlike our previous conversations of merely updates of school and of the recent things that we have been doing, we shared of our plans we had for ourselves in our future career. I shared of how God led me to writing and to PR while Angie shared with us her plans in getting a job in the banking industry. However, she had a greater passion for starting up a business. Many times she shared with others her ambition  and many times she felt discouraged by the lack of support from her friends. Therefore, she went back to doing what most would do, looking for a safe job and doing things that most would do.

Just then, I was reminded of my conversation with Carina last night regarding passion. Is it wrong to do something we like? What if our passions doesn't bring us success? What if it seems like we are losing out? Do we still go on with our passions? (And for me, is my passion in line with God's will for me? Would He want me to do something that I don't like? What if I have too many passions to consider?)

We talked about our admiration for the people we have met while on exchange who fearlessly gave up all they had to find and pursue things that they like to do. I've met a lady who used to be a swimming coach in Germany who now trains and works with huskies in Kiruna. She enjoys what she is doing and drive sleds and work with dogs for a living. While she doesn't seem to be earning big bucks, I could see that she really enjoyed what she is doing. Carina also shared of a German girl she met while traveling in Portugal. This girl took a gap year to get a surfing degree and have already had goals of how she would use the degree to help her achieve her main goal of traveling the world. She also has plans to go back to school to get a teaching degree so that she can go to different parts of the world to teach. I look up to these people who dare to do what they really want. They didn't mind that they were not in sync with what the rest of the world thinks they should be doing or achieving. They were guided by their heart.

These has got me thinking of my recent (seemingly futile) attempt of applying for an internship. I wonder and am seriously wondering if I should spend these 3 precious months doing what most people would be doing - an internship. Or if I should give my time to missions, to finding out what I want or be involved in something. At the same time, I had in plan and wanted a PR internship to see whether I am suited for the career.

I am still searching and as I am searching I find out many more options available to me. Once again, Angie shared with me her plans to start up a blogshop. And in this increasingly changing landscape of shopping, I saw how her idea was viable. Yes there might be many blog shops out there and many competition in this industry but I still see how her idea will work as there's still much to be improved in the online shopping experience. That's because I am an online shopper myself and I know what I would want better. Furthermore, I saw how all of us (my usual dance clique) have different talents that will be helpful in the contribution to this idea. Beyond this is the fact that I see the different talents that we have which can contribute to the success of the idea.

I believe most things starts with an interest and after the patience and the perseverance to see it through.

I am not sure what I am getting myself into, but I want to be daring to try just as I see others daring to try and being happy trying.

At the end of the day, I pray that what I do will be in line with God's plan for me. Till I find that, I will not give up trying.


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